APFNDT Task Groups (TG's)

The Task Groups are set up by decision from the APFNDT Board with defined areas of scope and method. TG's can be organized for one discussion or on a more permanant basis. Below you will find a list of the current TG covenor, including the newest addition of TG 7 for NDE 4.0.

Task Group 1 - Membership (Mr. Kevin Smith, Host Society: ASNT, USA)

Task Group 2 - Journal (Prof. Jung- Ryul Lee, Host Society: KSNT, Korea)

Task Group 3 - Communication (Mr. Shohei Ooka, Host Society: JSNDI, Japan)

Task Group 4 - Education and Training (Dr. B. Venkatraman, Host Society: ISNT, India)

Task Group 5 - Certification and Qualification (Mr. Paul Grosser, Host Society: AINDT, Australia)

Task Group 6 - Standard (Dr. Makoto Ochiai, Host Society: JSNDI, Japan)

Task Group 7 - NDE 4.0 (Mr. Pranay Wadyalkar, Host Society: AINDT, Australia)